Last Stand: Kurans are known for their resilience in overwhelming situations. Once per day, when an attack would reduce you to zero health, that attack instead deals half damage
Natural Connection: The Elomi have an incredible connection with the world around them, allowing them to communicate with nature. For a maximum of fifteen minutes per day, you can speak with beasts.
Stoney Hide: The Nakim have a tough, rock-like skin that allows them to resist the tough conditions in the caves where they dwell. You are always considered to have 2 armor.
Ride the Wind: The Feyore have arms lined with fine feathers, making them perfect for soaring through the air. You have a fly speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, you can ride updrafts to gain height.
Mind Palace: The Joshu have minds like steel traps, able to recall nearly anything they have learned. You can remember details with perfect clarity, and have a photographic memory.
Catlike Reflex: The Nujir have incredible agility, allowing them to move with unreal speed. Your speed is 8 hexes, and you draw one additional card when attempting to move quickly.
Feral Rage: While friendly, the Hozlin can fly into an angry flurry of activity. Once per day, your speed doubles and SP increases by 3 for one round.
Aquatic Adaptability: The Rorai are excellent swimmers, and their origins in the ocean let them maneuver with ease. You can breathe underwater, and suffer no penalties for being underwater.
Constructed Resilience: The Zavus have no internal organs, and as such require less specific conditions to live. You are immune to TOX damage, and do not need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep.
Cosmic Connection: The Keyno have a deep empathy for the people around them, letting them take on the pain on others. Three times per day, if an ally takes damage, you can choose to take any amount of damage they take that round instead of them.
Cunning Inventors: The Muzo are excellent crafts folk, and are very skilled artisans. In one minute’s time you can create simple inventions, such as noisemakers, light sources, recording devices, and other tools out of scrap materials.